Margie Kay

March 7th, 2020

Margie Kay is a Paranormal and UFO Investigator, Remote Viewer, and author. She is clairsentient (feels), clairaudient (hears), clairvoyant (sees), and does remote viewing. She is the publisher of Un-X News Magazine. Kay hosted Un-X News Radio Show for several years where she interviewed international researchers and authors, and is now a popular radio show guest. Margie has become extremely proficient at seeing inside the body, which she calls a “P-Scan,” (psychic scan). She does intuitive medical diagnosis and is able to see inflammation, infection, disease, missing organs (from surgery), broken bones, implants, and more; even on a microscopic level. She does not use CRV (Controlled Remove Viewing) as most others do that work in this field, having become proficient using her own methods. Margie has been instrumental in solving over 50 missing person, homicide, and theft cases using her unique remote viewing abilities, which she has honed over the years with amazing results. Kay is the author of Gateway to the Dead: A Ghost Hunter’s Field Guide, Haunted Independence, and 11 other books on various topics. She is working on a film documentary and three more books. Margie is the Director of Quest Paranormal Investigation Group and Assistant State Director for Missouri MUFON. She has conducted over 1,100 paranormal and UFO investigations.  She uses standard scientific investigation methods and equipment for research, and relies on remote viewing to clarify what may have occurred.Margie is also a UFO/ET experiencer and has had her own close encounters with UFOs and Extraterrestrials, which will be published soon in a new book.


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