Dr. Gregg Davidson

Science Meets Faith – 

Dr. Davidson is a professor and department chair of Geology & Geological Engineering at the University of Mississippi. His day job includes research in geochemistry and hydrology, with lots of time spent in the cypress swamps of Mississippi. His dissertation at the University of Arizona included many hours in the same radiocarbon lab that dated the Dead Sea Scrolls and the shroud of Turin. 

He describes his upbringing as the odd and wonderful product of having two preachers for grandfathers and a biologist for a father, raised to uniquely appreciate God’s written and natural world. Later concern over misconceptions about both science and the Bible led to many articles and books, and speaking engagements across the US and several continents.  

His books cover a range of subjects, but all aimed at providing insight into the intersection of science, culture, and Christian faith. Titles include 

Grand Canyon, Monument to an Ancient Earth 

Friend of Science, Friend of Faith: Listening to God in His Works and Word 

and The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One: A Multi-Layered Approach, coming out in just over two weeks (Oct 28). 


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