Tommy Hawksblood

March 3rd, 2018

Tommy Hawksblood lectured for the Thunderbirds, Steven Greer’s group, the Edgar Casey group, Global Science Conferences around the US, while at the same time doing several Television shows and talked on many different  radio shows.  The  26 years he spent studying with a medicine woman — Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf — and a Tibetan Master in the Vajra. He learned much of his past lives. Spent many years with an associate (Sargel18) doing UFO work at what is called the famous  Wanique Vortex, New Jersey where they conducted investigations for years. In his recent book  he  gets into the most controversial topics together with the most important ones.  He connects many difference times together and explain why the earth is like it is. Who tried to bring  truth to the earth people? There were so many things inter-fearing with the truth ever being heard. They are aliens, demons, angels, government and your parents. Then we have all the false prophets and spiritual and religious speakers. What stopped mankind from learning anything about the true history? Why man believes some people stories over another. Does something old make it right? Is there a difference from aliens and deities? When was earth ever in peace and why that changed. Who really tried to help people see the highest truth? It was not Mohammad, Buddha  Gandhi, Dalai Lama, the Pope or any of the New age speakers. How many alien races are really stopping the truth and how. You heard the lies now hear the truth. 


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