Max Kiejzik

September 12th, 2020

Author and researcher, Max Kiejzik provides details supporting extraterrestrial structures on Mars. Are the iconic “Face on Mars” monolith and the D & M pyramid part of an ancient city built by an advanced civilization or are we looking at an optical illusion? Max introduces the concept of “sacred geometry” — an interconnectedness between man’s existence and the whole; an encoded reminder of the sacred foundation of all things created.

The Pyramids of Giza, Teotihuacan, ancient and modern cities, their art, etc… are all intentionally and precisely aligned according to Earth’s N/S/E/W grid as well as specific stars and astronomical events on specific dates such as the vernal equinox and summer solstice, we should expect similar precision and alignments from the layout of Cydonia.

The secrets of Cydonia unfold through an ingenious system of sites & markers. These sites and markers lead to the reconstruction of a very specific geometric framework. On the back of this framework is a series of reflections. The reflections are specific and fall into a mostly Egyptian context.

This system is designed to lead any careful observer through a major lesson on perspective that challenges both the scientific & spiritual mind.

Central to this lesson is true north & its discovery through The Face, Mars, & their relationship to the Sun. In other words, Cydonia is a living geometric proof that reflects the fundamental symbolism surrounding “Truth & Light”. Encoded within the monuments of Cydonia are several major revelations that hold ~profound~ implications for the human race.


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