Jamie Walden

October 20th, 2018

Jamie Walden is a Marine Corps Infantry Sergeant, Police Officer, Firefighter/Paramedic Specialists, Tactical Medic, and Disaster Response Specialist turned Missionary, researcher, and self-publishing author. Jamie’s willingness to seize the“adventure du jour” and tenacious pursuit of Truth have bred powerfully refreshing insights for today’s Christian Church. His unique experiences and zeal for the True Warrior King, Christ Jesus, have impassioned him to strengthen, equip,and challenge a “WARRIOR CLASS” of Christians to ARISE and take their rightful place in this generation.

We are at war! It is a savage campaign being waged against the hearts, minds, and souls of mankind, as laid out from Genesis to Revelation, and it is rapidly approaching its prophesied convergent zenith. Standing on the front lines amid the fray of battle are the Redeemed sons and daughters in Jesus Christ. As such, our True and Better Commander in Chief, the Lord Almighty, has sounded the battle cry that a Warrior Class of Christians arise. They are among those who intimately know the Captain of their Salvation and who advance His Kingdom in valorous Omega Dynamics: the powerful and effectual actions of the Redeemed of the Lord victoriously going forth in the End of the Age.


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