Darrin Geisinger

July 14th, 2018

Following a devastating global economic collapse, civilization struggles on. Christians everywhere proclaimed the Meltdown to be the Great Tribulation, but instead of a rescuing rapture, “they” came on the scene to save us. The Messengers turned the lights back on, cleaned up the radiation, stopped the pandemics. But a handful of Christians suspect that these ex

traterrestrials might not be the benevolent benefactors they claim to be. Some even believe that they are the “Great Deception” spoken of in the Bible: “And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie” (2nd Thess 2:11). Those who spoke out against the Messengers have mysteriously vanished. Earth’s foremost robotics scientist was one such believer and now he’s gone too. To his only son, he leaves behind two things. The first is a way to fight back, in the form of an armored exo-suit—possibly humanity’s last and only hope. The second is a hastily scrawled message…
“Son, they are stealing our gravity.”


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