Revelation of Hell

April 2nd, 2022 –

Bryan Melvin, a self-described “militant atheist,” died from a contaminated drink that caused cholera. At first he heard a wonderful sound and a voice from someone who he instantly knew as God. But God told Bryan that he could not enter Heaven for reasons explained in this video. Instead, God sent Bryan to a place that the inhabitants initially described as “paradise.” But this wasn’t paradise, it was hell, and the deception of a homey veneer was soon exposed as a place so horrific that the mere mention of its surroundings could evoke terrible thoughts. Beings tried to devour Bryan as they clawed at him, but there was something Jesus had instructed Bryan to do in order to prevent his ultimate destruction. He viewed those who had been condemned to hell, people from the past – abusers, killers, even a preacher – and then he saw one of the most reviled persons in all of history, Adolph Hitler. What Bryan saw will shock you. But Bryan’s story ends with redemption, and hope. Watch this video and realize not only the horrors of hell, but the saving Grace of Jesus in offering tremendous hope to everyone who heeds the call of God’s Holy Spirit.



Anti-Christ Cloning

March 19th, 2022 – Dr. Joye Pugh

The Edge Broadcast dives deep into prophecy with Dr. Joye Pugh. Was the Anti-Christ cloned from recovered blood of Jesus Christ? Among Dr. Joye’s many talents, she is also a consultant with MUFON regarding the spiritual and religious aspects of paranormal and UFO experiences. Her love for prophecy began at 6 years of age after having an unusual and prophetic dream about the End of Time. Most importantly, for over 30 years, now, Dr. Pugh has been involved in researching Biblical prophecy. She consults with people from around the world on various issues and current events involving science and religion.


Dream Messages

MARCH 12th, 2022 –

Susan Plunket is a psychologist and writer of fantasy fiction who interprets dreams which she believes are messages not only from the unconscious, but also contain glimpses into lives which we are simultaneously living on Earth as well as in other galaxies. She’s currently working on book three of her trilogy in which she explores the worlds of the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions. She lives with her family in Greenwich Village.

The books:

Mission From Venus is book one of a fantasy fiction trilogy. It begins with higher dimensional beings training on Venus for a mission to Earth to help humans awaken to their own higher powers and defeat the Dark Lords of Orion who want to enslave them. The book follows eightlikable beings from different galaxies as they prepare for their mission to incarnate on Earth in eight different cities around the world. 

Book two, The Wanderers on Earth, opens as the now incarnated eight wanderers from a higher dimension turn 21 in human years. They’re waking up and realizing they’re not from this time and place. When they find one another again and reunite with their twin flames the wanderers create a virtual reality game called Fifth Dimension to help humans embody their own superpowers in the fight for freedom from the dark force of oppression in all its forms. Their battles with the dark lords take the wanderers around the globe, from the U.S./Mexico border to Kashmir and in book three to Ukraine.



Moon Hoax

March 5th, 2022 – Bart Sibrel

The moon hoax was the start of a long line of frauds perpetrated on the world. Bart joins the show to talk about that and other conspiracies. Bart is an award winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist, who has been producing television programs, documentaries, music videos, TV commercials, and stage plays for over thirty-five years, starting at the age of eighteen, hosting his own television talk show. Sibrel grew up as the biggest fan of the purported “moon landings”, yet gradually began to recognize their unfortunate falsification. In Sibrel’s mind, as well as many others, the claim that NASA walked on the moon on the very first attempt with 1960’s technology, which only had one-millionth the computing power of a cell phone, when today with five decades of better technology NASA can only send astronauts one-thousandth the distance to the moon, simply defies logic. Sibrel believes that a religious attachment to the emotional event is what prevents people from waking up to the deplorable reality. Bart Sibrel has appeared as guest commentator about the moon landing fraud and to discuss his films “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon” and “Astronauts Gone Wild” on NBC, FOX, CNN, HBO, Geraldo, The Daily Show, The Abrams Report, and Coast to Coast. In his memoir Moon Man Bart Sibrel reveals, for the very first time, the official CIA code name for the real Apollo project, the military base where the first staged “moon landing” was filmed, and the names of fifteen United States government scientists and officials who were in attendance for the first moon landing falsification, some of whom are still alive today.




The Dogman Monster

February 19th, 2022 – Joedy Cook

The Dogman are is out there! Some run in packs and they may be in your area. Joedy Cook is a retired U.S. Army and Iraq war Veteran and one of the most active Dogman & Bigfoot researchers in the State of Ohio. Originally, he was a member of the Cincinnati UFO research group A.S.K. but realized that his interests were more in the field of cryptozoology. Joedy has been studying the Dogman & Bigfoot phenomenon since 1991 and is the author of several books; He founded the North America Dogman Project ,Cryptid Seekers, as well as the Ohio Center for Bigfoot Studies. CO-Producer of the NADP DVD Documentaries : Wisconsin Werewolf, The Germantown Werewolf and The Beast of Land Between the Lakes. Joedy has appeared on several television programs, which discuss large primates in North America, including the History Channel’s Monster quest, SyFy Channel’s Sightings & Encounters and The Learning Channel’s Top Ten Mysteries of the World. Destination America’s Mysteries and monsters in America Today, Joedy lives in Cincinnati and can be seen giving presentations at paranormal and cryptid conventions across the state and Canada.



Aggravating Ghosts

February 26th, 2022 – Tina Erwin

Have a ghost who’s driving you crazy? What does it mean to cross over? It means that you no longer are existing in the 4th dimension. Death is basic physics: energy is neither created nor destroyed so that which we have been, who we have been, what we believed and how we lived our lives never changes. When we die, the energy that defined our personalities continues. We simply shed our physical body, like a larva that sheds a cocoon and becomes a butterfly, when we die, we shed our human shell, our human cocoon and are free of the confines of a mortal body. What does this mean? Tina Erwin CDR USN (Ret) has studied metaphysics all of her life, gaining insight into the interpersonal relationships at the heart of everyday living. Her writing comes from an intense desire to know and understand the unseen world of action and reaction combined with a sincere desire to share this understanding with other knowledge seekers


Clearing Negative Energies

February 12th, 2020 – Dr. Karen Kan

According to research, approximately 30% of people are “highly sensitive”. Many suffer from depression, anxiety, overwhelm, and a plethora of other issues including allergies, autoimmunity, and attention deficit. But what if that sensitivity was a gift? In this book, you’ll learn how to harness the sensitivity within and transform it into a “Superpower” so that you can feel calm, confident, and connected. Dr. Kan will discuss: • Master how to get “Calm, Focused, and Peaceful” in 3 minutes or less • Learn Divine Muscle Testing™ so you can “Make Great Decisions” • Practice Transformational Telepathy™ to “Quickly Resolve Conflict” • Discover how to “Clear Unwanted Negative Energies” with ease • “Extract Your Soul Mission” using the Soul Mission Matrix™ .

Genetic Markers of Grief

February 5th, 2022 – Florence Williams

Florence Williams merges science and self-discovery to change the way we think about loneliness, health, and what it means to fall in and out of love.  When her 25-year marriage unexpectedly falls apart, journalist Florence Williams expects the loss to hurt. What she doesn’t expect is that she’ll end up in the hospital, examining close-up the way our cells listen to loneliness. She travels to the frontiers of the science of “social pain” to learn why heartbreak hurts so much and why so much of the conventional wisdom about it is wrong. In Williams’ search for insight as well as personal strategies to game her way back to health, she tries it all – and listeners can hear it all – including exclusive (astonishing) bonus material from Williams’ most intimate moments: live and unscripted therapy sessions, gabfests with girlfriends, and the making and breaking of new romantic relationships. Join her in the laboratory as she tests her blood for genetic markers of grief, hear every sound of the wilderness as she searches for awe as an antidote to loneliness, and be a fly on the wall as she is guided through psilocybin and MDMA therapy.







Unlocking Your Mind Power

January 29th, 2022 – Dr. Laurie Nadel

Journalist turned psychologist Dr. Laurie Nadel is on the front lines of disaster mental health. For the past two years she has been leading a Sunday night support program online for longhaulers—the 30 percent of COVID patients who develop severe neurological and cardiac conditions after surviving the acute respiratory infection stage. In her personal search for information about how the mind and spirit work, she has been privileged to train with indigenous healers in South America and with several remote viewers, the government’s veteran psychic spies.  It was Laurie Nadel who broke the story of the Pentagon’s secret psychic espionage–remote viewing–program in her book Sixth Sense. She went on to study remote viewing with veteran  RV’er Lyn Buchanan and several other veterans of the government’s secret program. She began studying meditation and researching information on complementary and alternative medicine.  She recovered in less than three years, wrote a best-selling book  Sixth Sense: Unlocking Your Ultimate Mind Power.



Dr. Joe Gallenberger

January 22nd

Discussion on manifestationhealing and mind over matter (psychokinesis or telekinesis). On this journey you will take specific steps to expand your energy and focus your intent. Dr. Joe Gallenberger is a clinical psychologist with over 30 years experience as a therapist and a great interest in the universal principles of manifestation. In 1995, he began exploring psychokinesis, the ability to influence matter through non-physical means. He has achieved statistically powerful results in university laboratories and, after advancing his methods over years of study, began to teach this skill to groups that share his passion and interest in the fundamentals of manifestation.

Dr. Gallenberger offers a variety of programs designed to expand consciousness through delight. His SyncCreation® home study course, and ninety-nine Inner Vegas Adventure Workshops™ have taken participants into fascinating states of power and intuition. His students achieve strong altered states of consciousness and energy, resulting in dramatic physical and psychological healing, strong influence over dice and slot machines, and many beautiful manifestations in participant’s lives at home.