Andrew Basiago

October 7th, 2017

Andrew D. Basiago is a prominent figure in the Truth Movement. For more than 10 years, he has shared with the American people the true facts of our great nation’s accomplishments in time travel and Mars visitation. He has done so as one who served bravely in the two secret U.S. defense projects in which time travel on Earth and voyages to Mars were first undertaken. As a result of his courageous advocacy as a crusading lawyer, Andy is credited with ending the time travel and Mars cover-ups by the US government on behalf of the American people. This arduous work in the vineyards of the Truth Movement represented historic breakthroughs in America’s understanding of our past and our prospects for the future.


Carl Gallups

September 30th, 2017

Carl Gallups is the long-time senior pastor of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Fla – since 1987 (31 years). He is a Top-60 bestselling Amazon author of six books, a radio talk show host (since 2002) heard nationally and internationally, a frequent commentator for, and a regular radio and TV guest pundit on all things biblical and geopolitical.
Carl opened the Florida – Donald Trump for President Rally – in Pensacola, FL in 2016. Fox News Business Report named Carl (along with pastors Robert Jeffress and Jerry Falwell, Jr.) as one of America’s top influential evangelical pastors who was endorsing Trump for president in the mainstream media. Carl was also appointed as a Special Deputy by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona.
Carl is a former decorated Florida law enforcement officer and also serves on the Board of Regents for the University of Mobile – in Mobile, AL. He is a graduate of FSU (B.Sc.), New Orleans Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and the Florida Police Academy.


Bill Bean

September 23rd, 2017

Bill Bean joins Daniel for a explosive mind bending show. Are nefarious forces weaponizing the weather against us? Is it part of the September 23rd prophesy? Are other world beings supernaturally  materializing in our world through the portals created by CERN (The Large Hardron Collider). Anomalies are occurring world wide and in many different forms by the sinister plan being put into effect with the ultimate goal and subjugating mankind to serve Satan. The DWave computer is close to generating AI on a scope and breath of unimagined proportions. A chip implant into a transhuman body will allow soul transfer and offer eternal like. Satan who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Where God says it is appointed unto man once to die, Satan through AI and transhumanism will tell mankind that thou shall NOT surely die if only you worship me through technology. Bill is a world renowned spiritual deliverance minister/exorcist, and is known as “The Spiritual Warrior.’ He’s also an internationally known author, lecturer and paranormal / supernatural expert.


Greg Coleson

September 2nd, 2017

Greg Coleson is a brilliant researcher and analyst. Topics: all issues related to “End Times” — Christianity, doctrine, religious and spiritual matters. Greg also discusses many different areas of science, history (ancient and modern), planetary and solar issues and what we may expect here on earth (it’s scary stuff because it is real).

Welcome To A Changing World.


Robert Stanley

August 26th, 2017

Robert Stanley says The Luciferian agenda has driven the evolution of the human race and will be culminating in the near future. According to his research, Lucifer is a rogue extraterrestrial who usurped control of planet Earth from his brethren at the dawn of human civilization. This maneuver, Stanley says, led to a civil war within Lucifer’s race of ETs and shattered peace accords with other aliens living throughout the galaxy. A  small group of our space-faring ancestors were traumatized to the core of their being when they intentionally entered a “forbidden zone” located somewhere in our Universe. As a result, our ancestors unintentionally created the parasitic, negative thought forms that we on earth call Archon or Lord… among other names, such as demons, etc. These parasitic entities were external or alien to our Universe. However, after researching and analyzing this topic intently for decades, Robert now realize that these dark entities are a holographic fragment of our multidimensional selves – body/mind/spirit. Therefore, we can and must cure this illness of consciousness ourselves.


Laura Maxwell

August 19th, 2017

Laura  Maxwell a former New Age Spiritualist, exposes the Luciferian NWO agenda from her inside knowledge of Luciferianism and Theosophy. As a spiritual counselor and author, her work is shared worldwide via satellite TV and radio, books, magazines and online. She graduated with an Honours degree in Psychology from Strathclyde University in Scotland. As well as guest appearances on various TV and radio shows she also hosts The Supernatural with Laura Maxwell on Eternal Radio, interviewing former occultists for their conversion stories and their reach-out work to those in new age, cults and the occult. She is the founder of international ministry A Spiritual Quest based in Scotland. Her blog features media interviews, articles and more from guest contributors.


Chris McCleary

August 12th, 2017


Chris McCleary (MBA in Finance & MA in Transpersonal Studies) is an author, philosopher, spiritual mentor, life coach, public speaker, and peace activist. He made a surprising transition from being a Top Gun aviator in the F-15E Strike Eagle to working directly with hundreds of dreams on a daily basis. This previous Air Force Lt Col is now the director of the National Dream Center, where he collects, analyzes, and collates dreams in order to predict future events. He has appeared on several national radio shows, including Coast to Coast with George Noory. More of his work is available at Chris just recently finished two other degrees…MS in Professional Counseling and a post-grad EdS (Education Specialist) degree. He is en route to being a psychologist, but currently practicing psychotherapy as a substance abuse counselor.


Ken Johnson

July 29th, 2017

Ken Johnson says the Ezra Apocalypse is the only non-Catholic book included in the KJV 1611 Apocrypha. It contains many prophecies about the end times. Quoted often by the church fathers of the first and second century AD, this apocalypse reveals the rise of Islam. In chapters 11-12 there is a prophecy of a three-headed eagle symbolizing how the Roman Empire would split into three empires. The empires would die out and leave three kingdoms ruling in the last days. Chapters 15-16 contain a prophecy of the Dragon Nations of Arabia.

This Islamic power devastates Syria to the point that Russia must step in to control the issue. This Syrian war sets the stage for the beginning of the Last Days. The book also contains numerous prophecies about the signs of the birth pangs and details about the Rapture of the church, revealing that the end is near.


Ted Broer

July 22nd, 2017

Dr. Ted Broer is internationally recognized as a leading health and nutrition expert, with extensive graduate and post graduate studies in the field of nutrition, biochemistry, and Naturopathy. His education includes an undergraduate degree in biological science and chemistry from Florida state university. He has also completed a second undergraduate degree from FSU in psychology and exercise physiology, a masters degree in Business Administration from FSU and received an honorary Doctorate from Southeastern University.

Ted founded his company in 1981. He became a licensed nutritionist in the 80’s. He has worked with thousands of clients on a individual basis. The author has had three decades of experience in the health care field. He has appeared as a guest on over 1000 television and radio stations and has been featured regularly on nationally syndicated shows.