Bill Bean

August 18th, 2018

Bill Bean joins Daniel in another great show. Bill has evidence that the bible is being supernaturally changed by beings materializing in our world through the portals created by CERN (The Large Hardron Collider). It’s the Mandela Effect of steroids. Glitches are occurring world wide and in many different forms as past events are being altered by the sinister plan being put into effect with the ultimate goal and subjugating mankind to serve Satan. The DWave computer is close to generating AI on a scope and breath of unimagined proportions. A chip implant into a transhuman body will allow soul transfer and offer eternal like. Satan who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Where God says it is appointed unto man once to die, Satan through AI and transhumanism will tell mankind.


Jim Wilhelmsen

August 11th, 2018

Jim Wilhelmsen has had a lifelong interest in UFOs since he was a child in the late 50’s. This led to his current position as a Religious Research specialist for the Mutual UFO Network since 1996.  He has had almost 30 years experience working in deliverance ministries engaged in spiritual warfare that have enabled many to be set free from these bondages. Taking this experience with him into the investigation of UFOs and Alien abductions, Jim has become actively involved within the UFO community. With two other colleagues, The Alien Abduction Crises Centers of America was founded. This is a nation-wide network to provide Biblical based support and help for abductees after receiving terminations of their abduction experiences from the Biblical based counseling they provide as a free service. Jim has also traveled across the US providing Biblical based information at UFO conventions which led to setting up a book store/ museum in Roswell NM where he lived for four years.  


Marla Frees

July 28th, 2018

Marla uses her gifts to help families from the heartland to Hollywood find healing. American Psychic tells the spiritual journey of a small-town girl who develops her psychic gifts and relationship with God on a synchronistic path that weaves through the trauma of her childhood, the drama of her acting career, and adventures in healing and transformation. 

Along the way, she’s explored her abilities with U.S. military “psychic spies,” assisted detectives on homicide cases, and delved into the science behind her abilities with physicist Thomas Campbell. Marla has learned to trust the voice of “Spirit,” which never fails her. Marla Frees’ story of spiritual transformation takes us into realms that will astonish, inspire—and heal.


Nicklas Arthur

July 21st, 2018

Nicklas Arthur had a  “Damascus road experience” in 1972 and  started broadcasting in 1994 on several current events type shows until 1996 when he followed the distinct call of God to start a wholly Bible Based Broadcast. First with KDNO FM formerly one of the most powerful Christian FM broadcast stations in central California, later founded the First Amendment Rights Media Group and while doing his daily Bible Based Radio Broadcast. He believes that the Alien agenda is connected with the Deep State and soon there will be a government takeover of the United States. A follower of Prophecy news, Niclas is well aware of current events and its connection to truths so deep some may find them unbelievable.


Darrin Geisinger

July 14th, 2018

Following a devastating global economic collapse, civilization struggles on. Christians everywhere proclaimed the Meltdown to be the Great Tribulation, but instead of a rescuing rapture, “they” came on the scene to save us. The Messengers turned the lights back on, cleaned up the radiation, stopped the pandemics. But a handful of Christians suspect that these ex

traterrestrials might not be the benevolent benefactors they claim to be. Some even believe that they are the “Great Deception” spoken of in the Bible: “And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie” (2nd Thess 2:11). Those who spoke out against the Messengers have mysteriously vanished. Earth’s foremost robotics scientist was one such believer and now he’s gone too. To his only son, he leaves behind two things. The first is a way to fight back, in the form of an armored exo-suit—possibly humanity’s last and only hope. The second is a hastily scrawled message…
“Son, they are stealing our gravity.”


Tammy Billups

July 7th, 2018

Tammy Billups says the animals we attract in our lives reflect us in many ways. Our connections with them run deeply, down to the soul level. Just like us, they are also on a journey to evolve their soul through their relationships and experiences, and each has deeply spiritual messages for us and intentions for our personal growth. In this book, Tammy Billups invites you to explore and deepen this profound relationship, showing how you can co-evolve along with your animal companions, experience unconditional love, and, ultimately, enact healing for both animal and caregiver. 

Offering a soulful and bioenergetic perspective on decoding our animals’ actions, behaviors, and physical issues, Billups explains how our animal companions share our energetic patterns and emotional wounds, revealing issues in our own lives that may be hidden or suppressed. She identifies the five core emotional wounds in animals and the ways in which they manifest, outlining specific behavioral traits and physical issues animals may exhibit as they mirror our emotional states. She explains how to connect with them on a profound level so we can grasp their needs more clearly and learn what they have to teach us. She also provides guidance to help your animals heal the emotional wounds and traumas that create their anxiety, stress behaviors, aggression, and fears.


Solaris Blueraven

June 30th, 2019

Solaris BlueRaven is a Published Author, Producer, Writer, Editor and Public Speaker with a professional background in covert technology, surveillance, investigative research, healing modalities and technology.  She is known for her experience as a test pilot for synthetic telepathy black projects of which she discloses in her book series “Eye of the Remote, Black Operations in Areas Beyond 52”. 

She is a professional psychic,clairvoyant,remote viewer and systems buster for Mk Ultra related programs and Artificial Intelligence connected to covert projects. Ms. BlueRaven is also a certified 2nd Degree Black Belt and has an extensive background in Advanced Sciences and Mystical Alchemy. For more information see her website at Nightshadow Anomaly Detectives. 

Ms. BlueRaven hosts two radio shows:
Ravenstar’s Witching hour each Saturday night 12 Midnight EST on Revolution. Radio, Studio A.
Hyperspace on KCOR Digital Radio Network each Friday at 12:00 Midnight EST/09:00 P.M. PST. 


Roger Spurr

June 23rd, 2018

From rebuilding generators and Giant electric motors for GE… I went into the Army and serviced nuclear missile systems at Ft Richardson Alaska..(fought the cold war). Electronics and semi conductors were the electronic drivers in all these new systems so I got very deep into molecules. After that I was Field Engineering Manager for a Global Electronics company during the initial release of computer systems and my job was in the field determining weaknesses and there were LOTS of weakness in the early days. It was exciting and challenging. Eventually I started my own business selling and servicing electronic equipment.I saw a need so I then started a software “Platform” development company and now just do research.

Mudfossils are soft tissue body parts that I discovered in 2012 and did the chemistry etc and actually recreated the process. My specimens are authenticated in every way… scans..anatomist examined..all 100% agree they were modern human mtDNA and GIANTS. So here we are.

Mudfossils part 1..The story.. 


Mike Hawkes

June 16th, 2019

Mike Hawkes has worked in the digital analytics and with police and security services for many years. In addition to the invention, design and implementation of core network security systems, he runs many training courses for governments and police forces covering: data analytics, digital forensics and digital intelligence acquisition. As a self-professed ‘geek’, he has led all manner of projects from ‘big-data’ architecture through to low-level coding – and advises on international strategy for mobile data security in Asia and Europe. 

He is a key-note presenter at major international conferences, a radio and television broadcaster and an author. As a technology inventor, he has always championed consumer-rights, data privacy and democracy – he holds numerous international patents around consumer protection, privacy and security. Mike was Chairman of the Mobile Data Association (also it’s Director for M-Commerce and Security) during the 2012 London Olympics and also advised on mobile futures for the GSMA as an active member of its security forum. He has taken his own companies from start-up right through to stock-market listing, and handled subsequent mergers and acquisitions.

He recently wrote Shadow Code as a direct result of a foreign intelligence agency becoming more interested in the snooping equipment he created (to demonstrate our vulnerability to data manipulation and the results of its deliberate misuse) than the technology he built to prevent attacks against our right to privacy – and democracy itself. Mike built the technology he describes in the book and uses his experience of working with the intelligence services to demonstrate how the governments and major corporates can work together to steal our data – and use it to control us. 


Guest Website

Robert Bitto

June 9th, 2018

Robert Bitto says Mexico Unexplained explores the magic, the mysteries and the miracles of Mexico.  Topics range from ancient mysteries to myths and legends to strange anomalies and religious curiosities.  We also look into bizarre history, legendary creatures and otherworldly phenomena.  Exorcisms, UFOS, Aliens, Ghosts and various freaky creatures roam the Earth. Podcast host Robert Bitto has had over 25 years uof experience in Mexico, as a student, as an employee for a large multinational corporation and as an owner of an imports business – Sueños Latin American Imports – since 1999.  He was a professional researcher by trade from 1990-1993, and in addition to his MBA and BBA, he holds an MA in Latin American Studies from the University of New Mexico.