Kay Carswell

November 3rd, 2018

Kay is the owner of Deception Detection Radio Network which is currently home to 6 different broadcasts, including my 2, Deception DLauraio d Kay Carswell and Chad Riley, plus Soul Preppers. Deception Detection Radio is talk radio that is Bible based programming that takes a closer look at the paranormal, supernatural, life events, politics and their relationship to today’s prophesies. The first episode aired May 31st of 2015 with Jeri Kozak, then I flew solo until my good friend, Chad Riley, joined me in March of 2016. Chad and I don’t shy away from any topic that needs to be discussed and have the Light shown on it.

Ron Morehead

October 7th, 2018

Best known for the Sierra Sounds, Ron Morehead is an adventurist, researcher, author, and producer. He’s been known for decades for his world-wide research into the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon. The Sierra Sounds are the only Bigfoot recordings that have been scientifically studied, time-tested, and accredited as being genuine. Ron has documented his personal interactions with these giant beings and produced his story on CD and in his book, “Voices in the Wilderness.” 
Very few researchers of his caliber are brave enough to publicly consider the hundreds of reports that include that “spooky action at a distance,” (Einstein). In his new book, “The Quantum Bigfoot,” Ron goes above and beyond, combining decades of experience and tireless hours of research into the realm of quantum physics as it could pertain to Bigfoot/Sasquatch. 
Besides being the Keynote Speaker at many conventions, he has been featured on countless radio programs such as Coast to Coast, BBC TV documentaries, and the Learning Channel.

Jamie Walden

October 20th, 2018

Jamie Walden is a Marine Corps Infantry Sergeant, Police Officer, Firefighter/Paramedic Specialists, Tactical Medic, and Disaster Response Specialist turned Missionary, researcher, and self-publishing author. Jamie’s willingness to seize the“adventure du jour” and tenacious pursuit of Truth have bred powerfully refreshing insights for today’s Christian Church. His unique experiences and zeal for the True Warrior King, Christ Jesus, have impassioned him to strengthen, equip,and challenge a “WARRIOR CLASS” of Christians to ARISE and take their rightful place in this generation.

We are at war! It is a savage campaign being waged against the hearts, minds, and souls of mankind, as laid out from Genesis to Revelation, and it is rapidly approaching its prophesied convergent zenith. Standing on the front lines amid the fray of battle are the Redeemed sons and daughters in Jesus Christ. As such, our True and Better Commander in Chief, the Lord Almighty, has sounded the battle cry that a Warrior Class of Christians arise. They are among those who intimately know the Captain of their Salvation and who advance His Kingdom in valorous Omega Dynamics: the powerful and effectual actions of the Redeemed of the Lord victoriously going forth in the End of the Age.


Robert Bitto

October 13th, 2018

Robert says Mexico Unexplained explores the magic, the mysteries and the miracles of Mexico.  Topics range from ancient mysteries to myths and legends to strange anomalies and religious curiosities.  We also look into bizarre history, legendary creatures and otherworldly phenomena.  Exorcisms, UFOS, Aliens, Ghosts and various freaky creatures roam the Earth. Podcast host Robert Bitto has had over 25 years of experience in Mexico, as a student, as an employee for a large multinational corporation and as an owner of an imports business – Sueños Latin American Imports – since 1999.  He was a professional researcher by trade from 1990-1993, and in addition to his MBA and BBA, he holds an MA in Latin American Studies from the University of New Mexico.


Troy Anderson – Paul McGuire

October 6th, 2018

From the authors of the international bestseller The Babylon Code comes an explosive exposé of the chilling truth about the fierce opposition to the Trump presidency, and why the globalist elite and Deep State will stop at nothing-assassination, military coup, staged economic collapse, or worse-to overthrow him.

“Trumpocalypse!” It’s the media-coined meme inciting panic and fear that America has elected an unstable man who will barge into delicate international affairs like a bull in a china shop and incite nations bent on America’s destruction to trigger World War III-an unprecedented nuclear apocalypse ending the world as we know it. But is the media telling us the truth?

No, say internationally-recognized prophecy expert and Fox News and History Channel commentator Paul McGuire and Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist Troy Anderson. America’s most insidious enemies are not hostile nations; they are elite globalists-the “Establishment” that is making the “1 percent” even richer while working- and middle-class people watch their incomes and net worth’s flatline or plummet.



Gordon & Janet Gianninoto

September 29th, 2018

Gordon had many childhood UFO and ET encounters. He saw his first UFO in 1964, a one mile diameter mothership launching 3 saucers over San Juan PR harbor. Selected as a future astronaut at age 15 he received a grant from the National Science Foundation to study astronomy, astrophysics, and space science at the Hayden Planetarium in NYC. He attended the U. Va. School of Aerospace Engineering, but later got a degree in psychology. In a lifetime of many many psychic, telepathic, and ET experiences, he had his first vision of pole shift in 1973 in a long and detailed dream and had a waking vision of same thing in 1988. He decided to prepare for poleshift by moving to Maine in 1985 where he has worked as a commercial fisherman and contractor since.

Now living on a mountain top blueberry farm on the Maine coast, Gordon is also a licensed shortwave radio operator and beekeeper. His wife of 22 years, Janet, is a psychic, and a shaman, with many ET contacts herself.

For more than 20 years they have lectured widely on the approach of Planet X, Poleshift, and the aftertime of poleshift including open contact with unselfish ETs and dimensional or frequency change for Earth. They have had saucers in their yard, ETs in their yard, and ETs in their house.


Chad Riley

September 22nd, 2018

Chad Riley is the Co-host of Deception Detection Radio since May of 2016, Executive Producer and Art Director of 2017 Documentary The Hollow Earth Chronicles Episode 1 The Dark Chambers, and Co Owner of Fourth Watch Films with Justen and Wes Faull. Chad left the Medical Field in Pursuit of Researching, and to grasp a better understanding of History, Fringe Topics, Occult & Esoteric, Aliens & UFO’s, Genesis 6, The Nephilim, Book of Enoch, and how all of this ties into Scripture. And how these things will be part of Prophecy leading up to the Return of our Messiah, and Savior Jesus Christ.



Steve Musick

September 8th, 2018

“Is there a Heaven? What is it like? What does God want to say to us?” All those questions and more are answered through the incredible account of a man named Steven Musick from Denver, Colorado. He visited Heaven in 1977 after his heart stopped and he was in a coma for five weeks.
Through an incredible encounter with the Lord, Steven shares an extraordinary, life- altering message from Jesus to the world. After his experience in Heaven, he began to recognize flashes of the Kingdom, “bubbles of Heaven,” all around him. He came to understand that these bubbles of Heaven start with a flash of something God is longing to do. As we engage and respond to what God is doing, He shows up and we get to partner with Him as He moves in someone’s life.
Steven’s message is that God’s work in our world is something far greater than merely getting people to Heaven. It is interacting with Heaven on Earth.


Alexandra Bruce

September 1st, 2018

Alexandra Bruce is the founder and publisher the popular alternative news website Forbidden Knowledge TV (“FKTV”) which began in October 2010 with zero start-up funds. The site’s following grew rapidly and strictly by word-of-mouth, receiving an average of over 1,200,000 monthly page views and robust advertising revenues.

In early 2015, FKTV’s Google earnings dropped 90% without warning or recourse, in a trend that began to affect an increasing number of websites and YouTube channels for independent news services. By 2016, it had become known as the “Adpocalypse”. This trend has now escalated with the recent mass de-platforming of several figures in the Alternative Media, most notably Alex Jones. It has since emerged that this unilateral corporate censorship aimed at anti-war, anti-establishment, anti-Hillary publishers is part of a concerted plan put forth by the George Soros’-funded Media Matters non-profit organization that is at war with anything it deems to be “Conservative” and especially anything considered to be pro-Trump. 

Alexandra has a unique perspective on the creeping Fascism we’re seeing in America today, after attending High School in Brazil during the final days of the CIA-installed military dictatorship there. 


Guest Website

Carl Gallups

August 25th, 2018

Carl Gallups is the long-time senior pastor of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Fla – since 1987 (31 years). He is a Top-60 bestselling Amazon author of six books, a radio talk show host (since 2002) heard nationally and internationally, a frequent commentator for WND.com, and a regular radio and TV guest pundit on all things biblical and geopolitical. 
Carl opened the Florida – Donald Trump for President Rally – in Pensacola, FL in 2016. Fox News Business Report named Carl (along with pastors Robert Jeffress and Jerry Falwell, Jr.) as one of America’s top influential evangelical pastors who was endorsing Trump for president in the mainstream media. Carl was also appointed as a Special Deputy by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona. 
Carl is a former decorated Florida law enforcement officer and also serves on the Board of Regents for the University of Mobile – in Mobile, AL. He is a graduate of FSU (B.Sc.), New Orleans Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and the Florida Police Academy