Dr. Richard Proctor

June 20th, 2020

Saving The Constitution. Dr. Proctor joins Daniel to discuss the original thought and intents of the Constitution, was Thomas Jefferson a racist and why Democrats are trying to erase history among other topics. The original meaning of many of the phrases, ideas, and requirements of the Constitution have been lost over time, and our education system no longer teaches anything about the actual Constitution. Most courses spend more time on the history of the Constitution than on the actual document itself. The People, who are one of the powers that created the Constitution, do not read or understand what it says.




Dr. Richard Proctor

July 4th, 2020

Saving The Constitution. Part II. Dr. Proctor rejoins Daniel to discuss July 4th it’s origin, intent and meaning among other topics. Many of the phrases, ideas, and requirements of the Constitution have been lost over time, and our education system no longer teaches anything about the actual Constitution. Most courses spend more time on the history of the Constitution than on the actual document itself. The People, who are one of the powers that created the Constitution, do not read or understand what it says.



Dr. Andrew Silverman

June 13th, 2020

A medical doctor with a background in physics, Dr. Andrew Silverman has been conducting research on the ‘mind-matter continuum’, near death experiences and the Turin Shroud for over thirty years. 

More recently his findings have been presented in peer-reviewed scientific papers and at international scientific conferences. He is widely recognized as one of the leading experts on the Shroud and is currently in collaboration with other major scientists from around the world to solve the riddle of this unique object and how the image was formed.

He has presented papers to the Scientific and Medical Network and the Society for Scientific Exploration where he was introduced as a pioneer among a new generation of scientists who see that evidence from many disparate fields of enquiry all points to a conclusion that consciousness is fundamental and not merely a product of matter.

In his new book ‘A Burst of Conscious Light’ Dr. Andrew Silverman provides evidence that human consciousness can never be reproduced and exposes the perils of artificial intelligence.



Kevin F. Montague

June 6th, 2020

Author, scholar, artisan and scientist Kevin F. Montague had two near-death experiences, which opened his mind to how the world works as well as the science behind various topics, including what causes cancer. His 20-year journey dealing with the chronic disease process lead to his book The Master’s Key, taking science into the next 40 years, yet to come. He has been fully dead twice, both at age 25 and age 44. His experience in the Light is extensive and when he traveled to heaven he found out more what the Universe is about. Jesus, who is quite real, allowed him to come back and finish writing a book he titled THE MASTER’S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE to help answer a lot of prayers from those who are among the sick and dying, needing answers. The knowledge gained was first used on his own body  to save it. 



Mary Ann Bohrer

May 30th, 2020

One of the most important forms of communication—intuition—is often overlooked or misunderstood by many people. In The Gift Within Us, author Mary Ann Bohrer explores the subject of intuition through interviews with scientists, paranormal researchers and 33 highly gifted intuitives from around the world who share their stories in individual profile chapters. Ultimately, we learn that every individual has access to this amazing divine wisdom simply by listening to our own inner voice. The process is simple, but the rewards are profound. 

According to research, people are increasingly identifying themselves as “spiritual but not religious,” yet they don’t know how to satisfy their yearning for greater spiritual connection and understanding. In this insightful and groundbreaking book, the author outlines six simple steps to accessing our own inner voice, so that each and every one of us can tap into this incredibly powerful form of communication and divine guidance, The Gift Within Us.


Lee Austin

May 16th, 2020

Lee Austin will be talking about the possibility that the Earth is flat! Lee is an American broadcaster known for his alternative talk show,  Outcast Radio. Pushing the existential envelope with topics including theology, metaphysics, and conspiracy theories, Lee’s show flourished as a late-night favorite for those in search of the truth. Born in Boston, Lee move to Los Angeles in his early twenties to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. With the entertainment bug firmly planted, Lee found his calling in radio. For over thirty years, he’s criss-crossed the country as a talk show host, disc-jockey, copy-writer and program director for numerous radio stations. In 2017, he wrote Morning Stars Tale, a sci-fi novella, covering many of topics discussed on Outcast Radio.


Rodney Cluff

May 9th, 2020

Rodney Cluff firmly believes: OUR EARTH IS HOLLOW!  Backed with scientific evidence, including satellite photos of the polar holes, analysis of the observations of polar explorers, analysis of earthquake data and much more — coupled with evidence from the scriptures and history that the Lost Tribes of Israel are now FOUND within the Hollow of Our Earth, he presents his argument in favor of the Hollow Earth Theory.

It is his hope that someday, he may have the privilege of visiting his cousins of the Ten Tribes in the North Countries of the Hollow Earth! The author’s own ancestry is of Israelitish origin, of the Tribe of Ephraim, and can be traced back to the Exile of the Ten Tribes from Palestine when they were carried captive into Assyria in 721 B.C. The Ten Tribes were held captive for over a century by the Assyrians, but then escaped over the Caucasus mountains sometime before Babylon conquered Assyria in 605 B.C. They made their home in the region of the Crimea and the Steppe of Russia just north of the Black Sea up until the first century B.C. While there, they were ruled by an illustrious leader named Odin. The Roman armies threatened to conquer the region so his ancestors, because of their fierce love of freedom and independence, determined to migrate. From their custom of burying their dead in burial mounds, their migrations have been traced from the Black Sea up the valley of the river Dnieper in Russia to the Baltic Sea and from thence to northern Germany and Scandinavia.

Tracy Yates

May 2nd, 2020

Tracy Yates is the author of several books including The Matrix Code and the Alien Agenda, The Bible Code Solved and Time Before Time series. He is also the host of Reality Check Radio on YouTube and Spreaker. Knowledge hidden from the public. These are deep secrets that involve history, technology, and even the makeup of reality. 
To unlock these secrets is to solve some of history’s most profound mysteries.  The general populace has been conditioned to think and believe certain things regarding their history and the world around them. Most are unaware of this conditioning, that starts in grade school and continues throughout their lives, by mainstream media and many other outlets.  This conditioning runs deep into the subconscious and because of this most people cannot, or will not, change their perspective even when given overwhelming evidence that contradicts what they have been conditioned to believe.  The truth will drastically change your worldview and, if you apply it, your life as well. However, it is so far removed from what we have been told or taught, that it will require you to open your mind. Do not dismiss any of this information offhand. You will see clearly you have broken free of the conditioning.  The truth really is stranger than fiction! 



Dr. Ted Noel

April 25th, 2020

Dr. Noel is a retired Anesthesiologist who also trained in and practiced Critical Care Medicine. The Wuhan virus also known  as Covid-19 has changed the world. How is it spread? Are there any cures? Is it man-made? Is this a false flag? Dr. Ted will answer these and other questions about the so-called plannedemic. Also, does Joe Biden have dementia? Why does he sniff little girls hair? Can he train his sense of smell to detect the corona virus on hair? The doctor did a great analysis on Hillary Clinton’s Parkinson’s Disease, but now it seems Hillary is getting major plastic surgery for what? Does she have a body double? Why does she wear tent looking tutus?

His most important service is to his Lord Jesus, and in that work he serves as a teaching Elder at  Graceworx Community Church in Apopka, Florida (an Orlando suburb). He has pursued post-graduate theological studies at Asbury Seminary, been a member of two national theological societies, and has published three books on End Times with Resource Publications in Eugene, Oregon (I Want to be Left Behind, A Primer on the Book of Daniel, and A Primer on the Book of Revelation).



Dr. Kenneth Jeremiah

April 18th, 2020

Dr. Kenneth Jeremiah explores the practice of self-mummification. Practitioners of Japanese martial arts often have an inaccurate view of samurai, yamabushi (mountain ascetics), farmers, and priests. They also have an incomplete understanding of the complex interrelationships between these groups, since the media rarely mentions samurai who became farmers, priests who killed samurai, or mountain ascetics who buried themselves alive. The biographies of four individuals who all engaged in extreme ascetic practices can help to clarify the role these individuals played in history, and the effect that they had on others’ lives. Shinnyokai was a farmer who killed a samurai. Testumonkai fell in love with a prostitute, and then killed two warriors with his bare fists before becoming a priest. Honmyokai, a samurai vassal of Lord Sakai, killed himself to not only save his lord’s life, but to save all of humankind, and Myokai was on the verge of cutting open his own stomach, before a miraculous occurrence changed his mind and revealed his destiny.