Max Kiejzik

September 12th, 2020

Author and researcher, Max Kiejzik provides details supporting extraterrestrial structures on Mars. Are the iconic “Face on Mars” monolith and the D & M pyramid part of an ancient city built by an advanced civilization or are we looking at an optical illusion? Max introduces the concept of “sacred geometry” — an interconnectedness between man’s existence and the whole; an encoded reminder of the sacred foundation of all things created.

The Pyramids of Giza, Teotihuacan, ancient and modern cities, their art, etc… are all intentionally and precisely aligned according to Earth’s N/S/E/W grid as well as specific stars and astronomical events on specific dates such as the vernal equinox and summer solstice, we should expect similar precision and alignments from the layout of Cydonia.

The secrets of Cydonia unfold through an ingenious system of sites & markers. These sites and markers lead to the reconstruction of a very specific geometric framework. On the back of this framework is a series of reflections. The reflections are specific and fall into a mostly Egyptian context.

This system is designed to lead any careful observer through a major lesson on perspective that challenges both the scientific & spiritual mind.

Central to this lesson is true north & its discovery through The Face, Mars, & their relationship to the Sun. In other words, Cydonia is a living geometric proof that reflects the fundamental symbolism surrounding “Truth & Light”. Encoded within the monuments of Cydonia are several major revelations that hold ~profound~ implications for the human race.


Derek Condit

September 5th, 2020

The Bee Whisperer. Derek along with his wife Maureen are Washington State-based chemical-free beekeepers, who believe bees can and should be kept both chemical & treatment-free. Experiencing 100% beehive losses from CCD or Colony Collapse Disorder his first year of beekeeping, Derek embarked on an extensive online research campaign to find natural way to help stop the devastating bee losses from occurring. Initially 3 small Shungite nuggets were placed at one of the beehives entrances, then he observed. In the following weeks he painted his beehives with a mixture of Shungite powder blended into the beehives paint, providing a blanket of protection around the entire beehive. As the weeks progressed, all the while providing no other treatment of any kind for pests, disease or sickness, the bees flourished, by years end the beehive had expanding into a total of 4 healthy beehives, with no signs of any sickness or disease and none of the dreaded colony collapse disorder that’s become so prevalent amongst beekeepers. 

In addition, taking advantage of their extensive research and broad knowledge on natural health and healing remedies, Derek and Maureen produce ( on their premises) a broad range of health and beauty products, many using their beehives honey and other organic components; these products are sold through their website and  other marketing  channels, thus helping sustain their beehive operation.


Celeste Bishop


August 22nd, 2020

Celeste Bishop discusses Freedom Phone, Brain Eating Amoebas, Hydrogel small victory-spit in glass instead of nasal swab, Narrative WarfareBook of Esther Highlights, and Conspiracy Theory Algorithm. Genetically modified humans. Surge in Cosmic Rays, Are you Ready? Swarms of Bomb-sniffing Locusts. Invasion of the Invisible Hydrogel/ Quantum Dot Body Snatchers. The BEAST is Here! will be discussed as well. Also, Do signs in the Cosmos indicate coming catastrophes for Planet Earth? Are there cycles of major doomgasm events that repeat on a celestial time table? God has strategically and gently placed her in careers, events, and situations that are now converging during these End Times. Throughout history God has called certain women of God to step out from their household onto the global and supernatural stage of history. Celeste grew up in a military & governmental home with her father who worked for the Naval Warfare Center and managed public lands. Celeste is FEMA certified and has received extensive training.  Celeste also has worked in allopathic and environmental medicine, agriculture, and the art of prepping. Celeste goes into places where angels fear to tread to bring you the most relevant and practical news and information that you need to make wise decisions during these perilous times. 



Mark Fiorentino

August 15th, 2020

Master of Reality contains not only the completion of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory it also contains a conspiracy theory concerning UFOs and the Alien Technology they use. There are also controversial topics such as Near-Death Experience revelations that are linked to the Theory of Super Relativity. There are many more highly controversial topics covered in his book that concern a new paradigm shift in physics. There are a number of breakthrough scientific concepts stemming from the creation of the Theory of Super Relativity.



Michael George

August 8th, 2020

Michael George is a very ordinary man who has written an extraordinary book that he hopes will help bring many people to Christ, even many agnostics and atheists. For his book shows that the Bible is fully accurate in everything it tells us, but often misunderstood. For instance, it tells us that Adam and Eve were two very real people created by God only about 6,000 years ago, but it says the Bible does not present them as the first two people who ever lived. It tells us Genesis Chapter 1 records God’s creation of the human race and Genesis Chapter 2 records His creation of Adam and Eve much later to serve as representatives of all mankind in a demonstration He staged in Eden to illustrate all of our need for a Savior. Michael’s book also shows that the Flood of Noah’s day did not cover the whole earth but only part of Northwest China. It also explains the meanings of all the Bible’s most often used symbolic numbers and shows how they were all intended by God to represent His exact timetable for providing the way for our salvation at Jesus Christ’s first coming, rewarding His faithful servants and judging our world at His second coming, and then making all things new by the end of His 1,000-year reign over all the earth. In his book, Michael also shows where God repeatedly built this same set of numbers into His design of  “the Sun, Moon, and stars” to act as “signs” personally identifying Jesus Christ as the Creator of our universe. But maybe most interestingly, his book shows how an asteroid now heading our way, upon its “second coming” to earth on April 13, 2036, exactly 7 years after its first coming, will serve as “the sign of the Son of Man” referred to by Christ, and will then give our world “five months” notice of His own “second coming” to earth.  



Chase Kloetzke

August 1st. 2020

Chase Kloetzke experienced Close Encounters of The Third Kind an actual alien contact. Chase is a UFO, strange creatures, and the paranormal–like investigative professional. Clear, comprehensive, no-nonsense, Chase Kloetzke sets a new standard for investigators of strange phenomena. UFOs, ghosts, and strange creatures like Bigfoot are some of the most interesting subjects in our world, mainly because they challenge the very sense of reality that most of us grew up with. These things aren’t supposed to exist. The problem, however, is that reports of them just keep coming, even well into the 21st century.



Dr. Christopher Macklin

July 25th, 2020

Rev. Christopher Macklin, a Melchizedek Being and healer from England, who now lives in Branson Mo., utilizes Divine Healing techniques cultivated through Divine Knowledge from God and the spirit world to help people recover from all types of illness. Christopher is able to heal many people simultaneously with the help of God’s Angelic Light Beings who work with Christopher to rebalance the body’s energy field by clearing chakra points and cleansing the body’s meridian field by removing blockages and negative energies.




Michael Knight

July 18th, 2020

President Trump and the New World Order, Qanon and the Great Awakening, and the latest, just out, Qanon and the Dark Agenda, the Illuminati Protocols exposed are books and research of Michael Knight. A retired reporter, writer and author. He started his career in 1960 in New Zealand – missed the Vietnam Draft – then volunteered to go to Vietnam as a war correspondent…an assignment that was cancelled at the last minute…fortunately for him, he says. He has has since worked and covered assignments in Australia, Britain, Canada and the United States. He moved here in 1990. He learned about the New World Order some 40 years ago when he was Economics Reporter for Television New Zealand.



Dr. Judd Burton

July 11th, 2020

Dr. Judd Burton will discuss his research on Vampires, Werewolves, Witchcraft and the Nephilim. Judd Burton, PhD. a researcher in the fields of archaeology, biblical studies, ethnology, folklore, history, mythology, paranormal studies, philosophy, and religion, which could collectively be described as paraethnology. The book of Genesis tells us that “giants were in the earth in those days.” Once great tribes of giants roamed the land, dominating humanity and usurping their resources. But where did they go? Dr. Burton has been a professor of history and anthropology for twenty years, and he is currently the Director and Senior Fellow at the Institute of Biblical Anthropology.




Celeste Bishop Solum

July 4th, 2020

Celeste Solum Do signs in the Cosmos indicate coming catastrophes for Planet Earth? Are there cycles of major doomgasm events that repeat on a celestial time table? God has strategically and gently placed her in careers, events, and situations that are now converging during these End Times. Throughout history God has called certain women of God to step out from their household onto the global and supernatural stage of history. Celeste grew up in a military & governmental home with her father who worked for the Naval Warfare Center and managed public lands.  Celeste has worked as a contractor for Homeland Security and FEMA.  Her training and activation’s include the infamous day of 9-11, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other operations.  Celeste is FEMA certified and has received extensive training.  Celeste also has worked in allopathic and environmental medicine, agriculture, and the art of prepping. Celeste goes into places where angels fear to tread to bring you the most relevant and practical news and information that you need to make wise decisions during these perilous times.