Nancy Red Star

April 10th, 2021

Nancy Red Star is a enrolled member of Red Lake Nation and also descends from the Redman/Parker/Vann/Mathews Cherokee bloodlines on her mother’s side. She is the author of the Star Ancestors Trilogy (Inner Traditions/Bear & Co., 2000-03-05- Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Germany) and Life With a Cosmos Clearance (Light Technology Publishing,Inc., 2003) and UFOs-No Threat, Official Eyewitness Testimony-WSP (Light Technology Publishing, Inc., 2005-2006-Audio). Red Star was a Visiting Professor at Bard College, Annandale-On Hudson, NY, “American Indian Society.” Nancy Red Star is also the Vice President of The American Indian Women’s Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Red Star’s work has appeared on Lifetime Television- Museum of Women in the Arts- Washington, DC,. History Channel and Travel Channel,- Discovery, ELLE Magazine-Paris,France,New York Magazine, NYC, Featured in The Santa Fe New Mexican- Santa Fe, New Mexico and International Speaking and Broadcasting Engagements.


Von Braschler

Time travel exists. From the viewpoint of dreamwalkers, and scientists, from Blavatsky to Einstein. Time travel abilities, emphasizing the spiritual wholeness that comes from energy body work comprehensive examination of sudden, accidental “time slips”–shifting from ordinary reality into the past or future. Von shares detailed accounts from people who report stepping out of normal time and space, and examines what their stories have in common to establish the pattern behind how these time slips occur. He examines criticisms of and scientific support for this phenomenon, debunking claims that time slips are delusions or remembrances of past lives

Joshua Louis

March 27th, 2021

Having experienced a troubled past, author Joshua Louis was someone who struggled to understand the world around him and his purpose within it. In 2012, his intuitive nature drove him to seek the truth regarding paranormal occurrences and the existence of an afterlife. What he got was way more than he bargained for. Louis would come to understand his purpose in a profound way. As his intuitive abilities developed, he discovered he was able to communicate with souls on the other side. In Finding Hope in the Afterlife, he offers an inspirational look at the afterlife, sharing his experiences from his intriguing spiritual journey. He explores his own true psychic abilities while using basic equipment to effectively communicate with souls on the other side. Through more than twenty photographs and almost forty suggested videos containing supporting evidence, Finding Hope in the Afterlife captivates and challenges any skeptic.



Fred Burks

March 20th, 2021


Before resigning from the US State Department in 2004 due to excessive secrecy demands, Fred Burks served many years as a language interpreter for presidents and other dignitaries. He interpreted for G.W. Bush, Clinton, Gore, Cheney, and many other top officials of the US and other countries. Having participated in secret meetings where the only people allowed were the principals and their interpreters, he has acquired important inside information and contacts.

After receiving a wealth of eye-opening information on major cover-ups from respected friends and colleagues, Fred was inspired to develop this website in October 2002. Continually opening to divine guidance, Fred has dedicated himself both to getting the word out about the cover-ups, and to inspiring others to help transform ourselves and our world through love and empowerment. He is currently executive director of the PEERS network of websites and manager of For Fred’s incredible personal journey, click here. Fred’s deepest commitment in life can be summed up with these simple words: “I give all that I am into the service of All That Is.”



Jim Wilhelmsen


March 13th, 2021

The Secret Space Program and Trump Prophesies unmasked and reveled. Author of “Beyond Science Fiction” Co-founder of PAAPSI an organization dealing with helping victims of unwanted paranormal activity. Jim also is a talk show radio co-host with David Ruffino on Blog talk radio Opposing the Matrix. Jim pioneered one of the first Christian Motorcycle Ministries which appeared on the 700 Club. Jim has held a lifetime interest in UFOs since he was a child in the 50’s. Jim gave his first sermon on Genesis 6, linking it to an end time deception with UFOs and Aliens in 1978. In 1996 Jim was called into a full-time ministry presenting this Biblical perspective. Pastor Wilhelmsen began to help victims of the Alien Abduction phenomena. Traveling across America warning and investigating first hand led him to move to Roswell NM, where he had a bookstore/Museum.  Currently Jim lives in Michigan where he now speaks and investigates internationally on this topic and continues to provide termination of the Abduction Experience.


Cory Daniel

March 6th, 2021

The Phoenix Enigma is the only website devoted to decoding and reverse-engineering the esoteric symbolism embedded within the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Here you will find articles examining a myriad of esoteric topics including Freemasonry, physics, sacred geometry, numerology, gematria, politics, architecture, and ancient religions and mystery schools; sciences which form the foundations of the institutions of civilization.  These sciences are well known by many, however, most fail to understand how they have been used by esoteric organizations throughout the ages for the control and manipulation of others.  Here at The Phoenix Enigma we shed light on these topics and attempt to make the intangible, tangible.

The research presented herein documents the overt and ritualistic display of Masonic symbolism which has been interwoven into the foundations of government, private corporations, and public spaces throughout our city.  This shouldn’t be a surprise as most of the founding fathers of Phoenix were, in fact, Freemasons or members of other secret societies of the day.  From this time, members of this organization co-opted much of the resources of the Salt River Valley and contributed greatly to the infrastructure of Phoenix, AZ.


Cyrus A. Parsa


February 27th, 2021

AI Bioweapons. Cyrus A. Parsa, is the Founder and CEO of The AI Organization, where he is also Director of Creative Analysis & Defensive Innovations. He has researched and investigated more than 1,000 AI, Robotics, 5G, Cybernetic and Big Tech companies. Cyrus has a B.S. in International Security, Master’s degree in Homeland Security, and lived with Buddhist-Taoist fighting monks in the mountains of China studying internal Wudang arts and meditation. He is an expert in AI, Quantum, 5G, Security, China and Iran affairs.

In summer of 2019, and early 2020, Cyrus predicted, and warned accurately in numerous way’s that the world’s people were in impending danger from a Disease or Bioweapon (Coronavirus) from China CCP that would lead to conflicts, AI enslavement, famines, misuse of biotech, civil wars, deaths, and world wars. Cyrus provided solutions as remedy.







Tracy Yates

February 20th, 2021

Tracy Yates will discuss his mind blowing Covid 19 information. Tracy is the author of several books including The Matrix Code and The Alien Agenda, The Bible Code Solved, and The Time Before Time series. He is also the host of Reality Check Radio on YouTube as well as the Spreaker podcast. Tracy is also an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) instructor for over 15 years. He was raised in a Christian, right-leaning family who prioritize God, Family, and Country above all else. He has been on shows such as Tribulation Now, Fire Theft Radio, and several others. He has also written articles for Steve Quayle that include The 6G Internet and The Hive-Mind System. 





Dr. Judd Burton

February 13th, 2021

Dr. Judd Burton will discuss his research on Vampires, Werewolves, Witchcraft and the Nephilim. Judd Burton, PhD. a researcher in the fields of archaeology, biblical studies, ethnology, folklore, history, mythology, paranormal studies, philosophy, and religion, which could collectively be described as paraethnology. The book of Genesis tells us that “giants were in the earth in those days.” Once great tribes of giants roamed the land, dominating humanity and usurping their resources. But where did they go? Dr. Burton has been a professor of history and anthropology for twenty years, and he is currently the Director and Senior Fellow at the Institute of Biblical Anthropology.



Laurie Ditto

February 6th, 2021

Laurie Ditto’s life was forever marked when she experienced supernatural visions of hell. She knew these encounters were meant as a wake-up call for herself and others, so she has made it her mission to share this message with the world.


The Hell Conspiracy is a somber warning. It records harrowing accounts of souls enduring endless torture and eternal separation from God. It also reveals terrifying secrets of the afterlife in Hell, including…

  • The five pains of hell: water, bone marrow, breath, agreement, and the garment.
  • The activity of demons.
  • The connection between unforgiveness and eternal torment.
  • The ultimate destination and fate of the condemned.
  • The changing shape of people’s bodies in hell.

But this book is also a beacon of hope! These horrors are contrasted with the glorious hope of Heaven. Those who receive salvation through Jesus escape torment and experience an eternity of life as it was meant to be: as renewed bodies, souls, and spirits.