March 2nd, 2019
Robert “Cody” Snodgres, author of CHOOSING THE LIGHT; Dark Secrets of the Oklahoma City Bombing, was in Black Ops. for over 20 years, after CIA came to recruit him in college. He has B. of Science degrees in both math/physics, next pursued a Master of Science degree in physics, becoming a Petroleum/Research Geophysicist for his civilian front. Turned from a CIA asset to a liability, after refusing the job to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Bldg. in Ok. City on patriotic grounds in Oct. 1994, he was planted with false evidence by the ATF’s “Nations Top Cop” to silence him in a DOJ cover up of the bombing. During ATF/DEA “Operation Stingray” in the 10th Circuit Federal Court”s cover up, CIA disappeared tapes, ATF & DEA fabricated/planted fake evidence, as the Chief Federal Judge had to resign in a sex scandal with prostitutes. This true story, the REAL reasons behind the OKC bombing are highly detailed in this 700 pg book, dedicated to America’s Veterans, Firefighters/Police, and Patriots.