Rob Sullivan

April 13th, 2019

Robert W. Sullivan IV is a philosopher, historian, antiquarian, jurist, mystic, lay theologian, radio-TV personality, writer, lawyer, and the best-selling author of the books “The Royal Arch of Enoch: The Impact of Masonic Ritual, Philosophy, and Symbolism” (2012, re-published 2016) and “Cinema Symbolism: A Guide to Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies” (2014, re-published 2017). His third book, “Cinema Symbolism 2: More Esoteric Imagery from Popular Movies” was released in 2017. In December, 2017, Sullivan published his first work of fiction “A Pact with the Devil,” and is currently working on four books at once. Mr. Sullivan is a Freemason having joined Amicable-St. John’s Lodge #25, Baltimore, Maryland in 1997; he became a 32nd degree (Master of the Royal Secret) Scottish Rite Mason in 1999, Valley of Baltimore, Orient of Maryland. A lifelong Marylander, he resides in Baltimore.


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